Archives for January, 2012

Hiring and Training with the Client in Mind

It’s easy to say your employees are great when things are running smoothly, but what happens when a crisis hits and the proverbial chips are down? In November 2008, terrorists attacked multiple locations in Mumbai, India, including the Taj Mahal Palace...

It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It

Prejudice. It’s an ugly word. While no one wants to believe it could apply to them, we all know that prejudices exist, and sometimes we’re not even consciously aware of them. In fact, the thing that triggers our biggest fear – that sense of...


The final focus in our three-part series on the triple bottom line concept centers around resources. Thus far we’ve learned that revenue follows in the wake of authentic client relationships, and that fulfilled employees are able to build and maintain...

Your Employees are Clients Too

Last week we discussed the triple bottom line concept, and focused on the first of its three tenets: revenue. It was obvious right away that the second tenet – relationships – is closely tied to the first, and that building and maintaining authentic...